Our cellular memory remembers everything we've ever experienced, including while in the womb. By using energy practices such as muscle testing and chakra work, we'll be able to release trapped emotions and energy blocks that are being held in your cellular memory that may be preventing you from moving forward.
What these methods do is create an opportunity for a more direct conversation into what is going on in your life and causing these challenges. To provide a visual. Imagine tying 2 tin cans together with a long rope. Some of you may recall doing this in your childhood's (same here, no judgement). Consider one of the tin cans a not so great situation that happened to you when you were younger, the rope is your journey and how you have integrated said situation into your life, and the other tin can is how that challenge is showing up into your life right now. I use a pendulum, chakra charts, and/or trapped emotion charts to help identify the challenges and feelings that are replaying in your system that help continue the unhealthy behavioral patterns. Then we discuss the findings, process them, release anything that is no longer for your highest good and re-balance the energy. I promise you, it's much easier than it sounds.
Other forms of holistic practices we may utilize is sound therapy, aroma therapy, and guided meditations. I use doTERRA essential oils to help bring balance into your emotional frequencies, as well as chakras by using muscle testing to determine what your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspect need healing the most.
I understand that some people may find this type of work uncomfortable because it's different and "woo-woo", so these methods are up to the client's discretion. These sessions are client motivated and we go at their pace.